In a building with low energy losses due to natural air change make lower the benefits of the high insulation of the structure; controlled ventilation that allows air exchange without opening the windows become essential. Modern and efficient solutions – as a centralized system with dual-flow heat recovery – can not always find place in case of energy efficiency upgrading of existing buildings, due to the difficulty of design / construction or economic intervention is important.
There are other solutions for the mechanical ventilation of rooms, extremely compact, of easy installation and maintenance, and with high energy efficiency: unis for “decentralized” mechanical ventilation in the individual rooms. Typically for the “clean” rooms of the house (living room and sleeping rooms), for the service areas (bathroom, toilet, kitchen, laundry) it may provide simple extractors.
The most common devices with ceramic heat recovery with alternating flow: during the extraction phase, the recovery heats up and accumulates the heat of indoor air output, in phase of intake the regenerative heat exchanger transfers the heat to fresh external air. The interval of cycle inversion can be adjusted, and the operation can be managed by air quality probes. For better “cleaning” of the ambient air, there should be two units working alternately.
The apparatus consists of aesthetics interior grid with filter, fan at high efficiency, ceramic exchanger, telescopic tube, outdoor grill.